Book Your Calendar Solid

via Your Email List

Leverage AI to get more quality leads and customers in minimum time, and enjoy consistent revenue and peace of mind


Dear Friends,

Is your email list failing to make you any money?

Do you sit there looking at a ‘blinking cursor’ wondering “what the heck am I supposed to write about?”

Does it take you hours to write a single email?

Do you worry that you can’t write well, or fear being seen as salesy - and therefore getting ‘unsubscribes’ from your list?

If that's you, you need to...

The World’s First AI Email Copywriting Course for Coaches, Consultants and Course Creator

The Simple Email ROI System Solves These 3 Problems for Companies…

  1. My Email List isn’t Making Me Any Money: Via my “Third Way” technique, you’ll discover how to turn your list into leads and sales without coming across as a sleazy salesperson or having a massive number of unsubscribes.

  2. I Can’t Write Well, and it Takes Me Too Long: Thanks to the latest A.I technology, it’s now possible to write interesting, engaging emails that stand out from the crowd and capture your audience’s attention - literally within a few minutes.

  3. I Don’t Know What to Write About: You’ll get the exact AI commands to use in order to take the insurmountable amount of information in your head and turn it into a 12 month content calendar.

Sending Professional Emails

to Your List Matters

Email marketing is the most effective, “high ROI” method of generating leads and clients. In fact, according to, the return on investment from email marketing is…

$36 for Every $1 Spent

No other marketing medium will give you this sort of return on investment:

Not Facebook. Not Google Ads. Not Linkedin. Not YouTube ads. Not SEO. Not Snapchat.Not Instagram. Not Tik Tok.

And that’s not hearsay - according to Convince and Convert social media generates just a $6.50 ROI for every $1 spent, paid search just $2.70 and display advertising just 80c.

If you’re not using AI to leverage your email list to its full potential, then…

Once You Master Email Marketing, Everything Changes

Inside this special event, I detail exactly how you can leverage email marketing via AI to immediately enjoy these advantages…

  • Prospects will start chasing you, instead of you chasing them (because you’ll now be seen as someone with true authority in your marketplace)

  • Generate more quality leads and customers from your email list in minimum time (using a proven process to build trust, and book prospects into your calendar so you can enjoy consistent revenue and peace of mind)

  • Build a content calendar so you know EXACTLY what to write about (and leverage the AI so the ‘blinking cursor’ frustration quickly disappears, and you can write emails fast)

  • Discover how to sell in your emails without being salesy (even if you can’t write particularly well right now)

  • Get TONS more subscribers (and built a fan base who celebrates your work)

6 Reasons to Invest in the Simple Email ROI System

  • You’ll Write Emails Faster
    Thanks to the latest A.I technology and the frameworks and templates we’ve developed, it’s now possible to write interesting, engaging emails that stand out from the crowd and capture your audience’s attention - literally within a few minutes.

  • You Can Leverage Even a Small List
    While many business owners believe a huge email list is required, nothing can be further from the truth. I once generated 32 sales out of 200 highly qualified names, and only 8 sales from 6,800 names. The quality of the list is what really matters.

  • Way Better ROI Than Social Media
    Despite social media’s trendy appeal, according to email marketing has a higher ROI of $36 for every $1 spent - whereas a recent report by MDG Advertising found only 20% of businesses are able to quantify the success of social media on their business.

  • You’ll Gain Credibility and Boost Sales
    This is easy once you know how to manage your subscribers bank account by balancing providing value with selling things and making offers which are relevant and valuable to your target market.

  • You’ll Develop Stronger Bonds With Your Prospects
    While many worry people will unsubscribe from their emails, in reality ignoring them will do far more damage as regular contact strengthens your brand. Ignoring your email list is far more dangerous than emailing them too much.

  • You’ll Prove You’re an Expert
    And this will give you a unique advantage over your competition, simply by answering the questions you get asked by clients and prospects each day - now you’ll be sharing this experience (which you may consider ‘boring’, but they won’t with hundreds or thousands of people at a time.

It’s Easy to Get Started, We Show

You How to Do Everything

If you decide to engage in our email coaching program, the entire process is laid out step-by-step.

Video Training: 5 modules of on-demand video training.

Email Blueprint: Lifetime access to my Email Blueprint, which virtually writes the copy for you.

Live Mentoring: 5 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions to get your questions answered.

Templates: Complete library of templates, cheat sheets, checklists and procedures to make it as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Need Help or Have Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about the training, please contact us.

If you’d like to take a deeper look into exactly how it works...

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